Having left a secure executive position with IBM for the insecurity of starting my own business, I sometimes struggled in a home office before expanding into ‘real’ commercial office space...
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Having left a secure executive position with IBM for the insecurity of starting my own business, I sometimes struggled in a home office before expanding into ‘real’ commercial office space...
Read MoreYes we indeed live in unprecedented times—but haven’t there always been unprecedented times in human history? There is no room for corona complacency during this current medical and economic crisis!...
Read MoreI’m just home from Africa, having avoided a coup in Ethiopia where the government closed down all Wi-Fi for 3 weeks; which gave me fresh material on disruption to address...
Read MoreThe one New Year’s resolution that I know for certain I’ll be able to keep…is not to take any more New Year’s Eve flights from Miami to San Diego…so a...
Read MoreWith less than a month until the end of the year, I wonder if I’m the only one experiencing moments (or even hours!) of occasional overwhelm? Do you ever scream...
Read MoreSince the dawn of time there have always been (and probably will always be) the darkest of disasters in both Mother Nature and human nature. Thankfully, few of us will...
Read MoreFeeling for Cathay Pacific today with this ‘spell’ of bad publicity…but let’s face it, who hasn’t made a spelling mistake in an email, report or a book? Even spellcheck...
Read MoreWe’ve just finished the end of the financial tax year in Australia. So what next to be truly ‘accountable’ for success in the future? Here are some thoughts to kick-start...
Read MoreIn this vast land sandwiched between China and Russia, discomfort too tamely describes the shivering, bone rattling ride in the relic of a Russian UAZ off road vehicle. The ex-military...
Read MoreLast month, I was on a speaking tour in Asia, where it was great to catch up with my former IBM team in Japan. This prompted me to reflect how...
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