
‘Accountability’ for Success is more than just numbers

Posted on 02-07-2018 , by: Catherine Devrye , in , 0 Comments

finance-roleWe’ve just finished the end of the financial tax year in Australia. So what next to be truly ‘accountable’ for success in the future? Here are some thoughts to kick-start your new financial year-which have resonated with attendees at recent conferences where I was a keynote speaker:

-The 7 most expensive words in any organisation are: ‘We have always done it that way.’ I’ve said this for many years. Take time to re-assess what is working for you and what no longer does. That doesn’t mean that you should throw out the baby with the bath water or ‘innovate’ just for the sake of innovation. But be open to new ideas.

-If you treat people like numbers, you won’t make your numbers! That applies to customers, employees and suppliers. They’re not just cogs in a wheel but unique individuals.

-You’re not so smart if you only know the cost of everything-but the value of nothing.  We’re all time poor so are you spending yours to do things that are truly of value to you-and/or adding value to others?

-A penny saved is a penny earned  Our grandparents said this. Generations later, it remains true. While we make sure that revenue exceeds expense, take time to examine where there is waste in your organisation and whether each activity adds true value-or only cost to the bottom line.

Health is wealth and tax free! You can’t take care of your customers, staff or family if you don’t take care of yourself! Don’t stress about the New Year’s resolutions you’ve broken but take time to re-set now for a healthier lifestyle to recharge both physically and mentally.

-The true millionaire is one who can impact a million lives. In this respect, I feel rich beyond belief when trusted by conference organisers around the world.
